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Typing Master Pro v7.0.1.794

Penulis on Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Download Typing Master Pro v7.0.1.794 - halo... hehehehe... author @Franky update software baru nih,,, hehehehehe.. :D monggoh ada yang tau Typing Master Pro v7.0.1.794 ini tidak ?? saya rasa 50 : 50 dehh.. hehehehehe... dari bahasa softwarenya sendiri, ini software sepertinya dibuat untuk latihan-latihan jari.. alias latihan ngetik lohh... hehehehehe... 

cekidot penjelasannya dari webnya nih...
Typing Master Pro v7.0.1.794

User Friendly and Efficient

TypingMaster is fully compatible with all Windows and Novell networks. TypingMaster is also a Terminal Services aware application.

TypingMaster Pro's complete typing curriculum leads students step-by-step to fluent error-free typing. After learning the correct technique and using it in real life, students will typically type 3-5 times faster with over 98% accuracy.

It takes only from 6 to 10 hours to learn the basics of touch typing with TypingMaster. After this students can start using their new skill in their everyday life. Shortly their keyboarding will become subconscious and fluent.

hohohoho.. sekian softwarenya... 

Salam hangat dari pecinta dan pembaca di WacthInformation  mudah"an NO REPLY POST.. hehehehehe...
saya author : &


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